Adventures of Ragnar
Land of the Inuit
A new Story Adventure
Together with his wife Behitha, Ragnar set out on a journey to the north. Something was pulling him there. Some inexplicable longing that he could not admit to his wife. After a week on the road, that same longing led him to a dark man from the past. But who is that man? Find out now!
NOTE: You cannot use your partner's help in story locations. Your home storage will be available from the site and all items collected will go directly to your home storage.
This Story Adventure contains 3 lands: Land of the Inuit, Ancestors' Land, and a 3rd unnamed land to be released in next week's update (June 6, 2024).
The adventure is available for 25 days after your initial visit. If you are currently working on a previous Story Adventure, you will have to wait until the timer runs out on that one before you can start this one.